Famous People From Somalia

Famous People From Somalia
Famous People From Somalia
The diverse race and nomadic nature of Somali people is quite unique. Most of them are from the Somalis tribe or are from the Bantus. There are some significant personalities who have fought for their country’s freedom and have etched their names in history as freedom fighters. Here are some of the most famous people from Somalia:
Famous People from Somalia:
Abdullahi 'Issa Mohamud: He was the prime minister of Somalia between 1956 and 1960. Prior of becoming the prime minister, Abdullahi attained the post of the first foreign minister in Somalia. He attained the post of Prime Minister during the Italian trusteeship administration.
Abdirashid 'Ali Shermarke: The second President of Somalia, Ali Shermarke fought for Somalia’s welfare and independence. He became the first prime minister of the republic after Somalia’s independence. His assassination in 1969 by one of his bodyguards was deeply mourned by the country.
Maj. Gen. Jalle Mohamed Siad Barre: He is known for his bloodless coup which took over the government.  He established the SRC and consequently became the president of the Democratic Republic of Somalia.
Muhammad 'Abdallah bin Hasan Cant: He was the first daring Somali to call for unity against their colonizers. His declaration of the Holy War to oppose the Ethiopian, British and Italian rule created a huge following in 1899. He fought for his country’s freedom and resisted the British until the time of his death in 1920.
Aden 'Abdullah Osman Daar: The first President of Somalia, Aden changed the territory of Somalia from slavery to independence.  
These famous men made a substantial mark and sacrificed their lives for the country to ensure that the coming generations will enjoy the fruit of independence.

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