Famous Hispanic People

Famous Hispanic People
Famous Hispanic People

There are notable numbers of Hispanic people who were quite successful in their individual careers. These people made it big against all odds. Here is a sneak peek of some famous Hispanic people who took the world by storm.
Famous Hispanic People:

Jennifer Lopez: American singer, actress, songwriter, fashion designer and dancer, Jennifer Lopez was born on July 24, 1969 in New York. She studied in a catholic school and subsequently trained herself in singing and dancing. Her road to riches began in the year 1999 and since then she has released several albums including ‘Brave, ‘On the 6’, and ‘J.LO’. She ranks in the ‘100 Most Influential Hispanics’ and the ‘20 Richest Women in Entertainment’. She has also appeared in many movies including Anaconda and has received many awards.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born on March 6, 1927. He was a journalist, short-story writer, screen writer and Colombian novelist. He owed his story-writing abilities and political views from his grandmother and grandfather. While studying law, he started a career in journalism and subsequently won the Nobel Prize for literature. His popular novels including Love in the Time of cholera, One Hundred Years of Solitude and Strange Pilgrims were critically acclaimed. He is certainly one of the most famous Hispanic personalities of the 20th century.

France Anne Cordova: She was the first youngest woman to serve as chief scientist in NASA. She is currently the 11th president of the Purdue University and a leading scientist on space instrumentation and multi-wavelength observational astronomy. Born on August 5, 1947, in Paris, France, France Anne Cordova was named as one of ‘100 most influential Hispanics’ by the Hispanic Business Magazine.

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