Biography Of Benedict Arnold

Biography Of Benedict Arnold
Biography Of Benedict Arnold

Benedict Arnold, best known as a big conspirator of the American Revolution, was born on Jan. 14, 1741 in a well to do family living in Norwich, Connecticut. When he was young, he worked at a druggist shop and established his own drug shop in New Haven, Connecticut where he settled just a few years prior to the colonists’ struggle for freedom started.

He took part in the French and Indian Wars. He successfully participated as a general in the American Revolutionary War, but later on in 1780, discontented with his commanders, he conspired against his own country to help the British.

Though he fought like a hero in the battles of Saratoga, New York and Quebec, he constantly felt insulted by the upper brass and it became difficult for him to work with them. In spite of General George Washington’s support, his discontentment forced him to work for the British. Then, he along with British Major John Andre made a plan to get hold of West Point. But the plan was failed and he fled to the British region and Andre received the noose. His last operation was to pilot an invasion against his own state Connecticut in Sep. 1781. Though he led British army during the remainder of the war, the British did not remember his as a hero.

He lived in London as an officer and later on began a shipping trade with the West Indies, though it was not very successful. He married Margaret Mansfield in 1767.

Well known largely as a hired conspirator during the American Independence War, Arnold was one of the best commanding officers who fought bravely from the front and was wounded twice. He was crippled in the battle of Saratoga. He believed in deeds rather than mere words. When he did not find his name in the list of five major generals promoted in 1777, he was very frustrated and wanted to resign, but George Washington convinced him not to resign. Though he was promoted later on, his seniority was lost. In 1779, he secretly contacted the British and gave them information regarding a plan to attack Canada.

Though he led many battles bravely and skillfully during the American Revolution, General Benedict Arnold is remembered as the man who deceived his own country. He lived in London for 20 years and died on June 14, 1801. He died as a disheartened man who was detested in America and forgotten in England but definitely he was not ashamed of his deeds

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